Is there a gym or fitness center in Telluride?

For years, I would come to Telluride and there would be two places to work out – a dingy gym by lift 7 and “The Peaks” spa.  Let’s face it, I have never been too impressed by the Peaks *.  I am not sure why others are.  And, I certainly don’t like dingy if I can help it.  Now, I am in luck (and you are too if you want to work out on gym equipment).  Several things have opened up-

Telluride Gravity Works
This one is at the top of a store but nice, very clean and is closest to the condo.  They sell individual one-day passes or punch cards for multiple uses.  Monthly memberships also available.  970-728-4143

This is a very nice private facility that also has day passes if you call ahead in addition to regular membership.  970-387-8750

* Back to the Peaks and the Golden Door Spa, it is very nice and I certainly mean it no disrespect.  I am sure I will go there again.  It is just on a day to day basis I just generally like a little less frou-frou in my workout as well as a place that is less of a production to get to and deal with once you are there.  I also like a less busy place.

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